Event organizers

SIMETRA has extensive experience in mass event modeling. We develop transport master plans, evacuation plans for stadiums or other venues for mass events, as well as passenger transportation models necessary for dynamic operational planning of public transport routes.
Transport maintenance of mass events
Pedestrian flow modeling has become a standard and essential tool in evaluating the safety and comfort conditions of places with a high concentration of pedestrians, be it a transportation hub, a new stadium, or an exhibition.
Transport maintenance of mass events
Modelling of emergency cases
The method makes it possible to quantify the development of the situation in the event of an accident, a natural hazard, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster in places where a large number of people gather — mainly at transport infrastructure facilities and cultural facilities.
Modelling of emergency cases
Modelling of pedestrian flows
Modeling and optimization of the movement of pedestrian flows at the design stage will improve the safety of pedestrian traffic and avoid undesirable costs that may arise during the operation of the facility.
Modelling of pedestrian flows
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