SIMETRA offers feasibility studies for the construction of roads and transport infrastructure facilities, including the financial outcomes of investments in any transport project, increasing its attractiveness to potential investors.
SIMETRA researches the collection of initial data to identify the role of the transport development project in meeting the transportation demand in the study area. On the base of the research results, we develop an economic feasibility study for the implementation of the transportation development project.
In the course of economic research, the work on the collection, systematization, and analysis of raw data in the study area is being performed.
In compiling a forecast of socio-economic development of the studied area, we use approved forecast documentation, concepts, and programs of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, federal districts, subjects of the Russian Federation, the master plans of cities, etc., taking into account the analysis of the current state and local characteristics.
Forecast of regional development
After collecting the necessary data, our experts create transport models for the current situation and the future (considering the forecast of key indicators and the expected development of the transport network), performing calculations of traffic flow forecasts for several scenarios for a given depth of prediction.
Technologies and solutions
The final result of conducted feasibility study research is an assessment of the socio-economic consequences of the project (socio-economic effectiveness) for the studied area provided with the recommended option to choose.
For the study of toll objects of transport infrastructure, we perform a series of calculations to inspect the traffic and revenue sensitivity to the fare rates, the selection and justification of recommended fares, and the applied fare collection system, taking into account the financial results (income from fare collection).